Your style fits well with a

"Living Books" or "Charlotte Mason"

approach to homeschooling. 


     Charlotte Mason was a British educator who disagreed with several aspects of the modern education system.  She took exception to the idea that children were "containers" to be filled with bits of pre-determined information.  She wanted children to be treated as individuals with minds of their own and the ability to experience life and learning through their own lens.  She valued "living books" that, unlike textbooks, make ideas come alive because they challenge and interest the reader in a profound way.  She also believed that a child should be given time to play, create, and discover her world.  She placed emphasis on teaching moral values and exposing children to real life situations where they can be exposed to hands on learning.


Strengths of a "Charlotte Mason" approach:

  • Encourages hands on learning and practical application of skills.
  • Discourages "busy work" and places the child in contact with high interest and real world learning opportunities.  
  • Emphasizes the importance of morals and values. 
  • Encourages children to participate in their own education. 
  • Tends to follow the developmental stages of a child and encourages learning and discovery through play.  

Potential weaknesses of a "Charlotte Mason" approach. 

  • There is very little prepared curriculum.  Parents will need to spend a lot of time and thought on materials and preparation.  
  • May create "holes" in a child's education as it does not follow a specific scope and sequence.  

Resources for a "Charlotte Mason" approach: 

