Kindred Learning

What people like-

  • LDS learning outline designed by a homeschooling family.
  • Children of all ages can learn together.
  • Covers English, science and history in a four-year plan. (Add in your own math curriculum).
  • Each year focuses on one book of scripture. If you have a Seminary student, your family can study the same book of scripture together by choosing the corresponding year.


What people don't like-

  • As this was written long ago, there have been complaints of slow online service and late refunds.
  • This is a guideline for using other resources not its "own" curriculum.


User tips-

  • Utilizes other curricula, like Story of the World, Jan VanCleave's Science, and others. Check the list ahead of time so you can get everything you need for the year.
  • The parenting tips (wedding planning, mission funds, etc.) included at the back of each volume are golden.
  • Check out the four-year plan on the website to use as a helpful guideline for instruction.


Use instead-

Like LDS curriculum that includes everything? Try Latter-day Learning.

Hold To the Rod takes a unit study approach.



Ken and Teri Ebert/ 

Summary from company-

“Kindred Learning is the name our family has chosen to describe the educational materials and experiences we are happy to share with others who value learning, family, church, and community.

As our children have grown into happy, capable, well-educated young adults, with spiritual strength beyond their parents', more and more people have asked about our family lifestyle and educational methods. Through Kindred Learning we offer the ideas and materials we really use—without changing the names to protect the innocent! The pictures are real; the people are family and friends. The underlying faith is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), but any dedicated family can find the materials helpful.”

What Friends Are Saying About, Kindred Learning...

If you ever wanted to be a "fly on the wall" to watch an LDS homeschool family that has got it all together, this is it. I love the way the Eberts organized their homeschool around the seminary schedule and a repeating four year plan. They even included related scout merit badges that correlate with specific lessons, primary songs and articles of faith. I liked that they utilized a co-op with friends and offer suggestions for doing the same.  These four volumes taught me how to homeschool. - Jana

We have enjoyed using the Kindred Academy (LDS) Four Year Plan books as guidelines of what to cover. -Heidi

 I do most of the planning with the kids. I think it's good for them to see me research things and find ideas at home and the library. We plan and then we learn. I can't ever keep to a strict schedule so this way I don't stress about planning too far ahead. I just follow the basic outline of Kindred Learning. It gives me some structure to go from. -Stefanie

My kids and I love Story of the World, we used the workbooks, coloring pages, etc, and did lots of hands on activities from the activity guide. Another one we used with a co-op was the Four Year Plan from Kindred Learning, but you could do it at home, start with whichever year you want, it's meant to be recycled every 4 years so they get exposure when they're little then again when they're older. These also have fun science plans (as well as English which we didn't use as much as the history and science). Use the same history for all ages of kids. EPIC Adventures from courageous beings is also a really fun hands history. -Beverli

Kindred Learning is written by a wonderful lady named Teri Ebert. It's LDS based and incorporates scouting, scripture study, FHE and all kinds of stuff. Check them out! -Kim