Curriculum - Finding the Right Fit

The same rules apply to finding the right homeschool curriculum as finding a great swimming suit.
As you are shopping for this year’s curricula here are few things to keep in mind. 

One Size Does NOT Fit All

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     I had a friend generously offer to lend me a swimsuit when I found myself without one on vacation. While I appreciated her kindness, she was a good six inches shorter and 80 lbs lighter than I. I looked like a WWF wrestler (minus the muscles) in her tiny suit. I have had similar experiences when some of my excellent homeschool friends have lent me curricula that worked well for their families. When I struggled to make the “tried and true” curriculum work for my family I thought there was something wrong with me. The truth is, it just wasn’t the right “fit” for our family.

Your Choose Your Style

     Finding the right fit requires knowing a little bit about yourself.  With swimsuits it’s body shape and style, with curriculum it’s educational philosophy, or what and how you want your kids to learn. Are you strict, relaxed, traditional or more hands-on? There are support groups, materials, and curriculum that cater to every way of thinking, and there is no wrong way. If you aren’t sure yet what your philosophy is try taking our quiz to get you headed in the right direction.

You’ll Have to Try on Several

     So you’ve narrowed down your options to what types fit your family best. Start trying them on. Different situations may call for different materials. It is not a bad idea to have a variety at your disposal. Things that don’t work out right now for one child may come in handy later for a different child.  There are many free options you can try to see what works for your family without making too much of a dent in your wallet.  Don’t forget that life is ever changing and so will the needs of your family. It is okay to put the Classical curriculum on a shelf to try unschooling when need arises. 

Memories Matter Most

     I don’t remember what suit I wore on vacation with my family ten years ago. But I do remember what an awesome time we had laughing on the beach. Whether you use a library card, notebook and pencil, or spend thousands on the latest and greatest, in the end it will matter less which publisher your textbooks are from, and more the time spent together, creating memories, and learning together.  These are the memories that will remain with your children.