Switched-On Schoolhouse

What people like-

  • SOS is computer-based (CD-ROM) learning, designed for this generation.
  • Covers all base subjects plus a wide offering of electives (see website for list).
  • Can pick and choose which subjects to buy or purchase the whole set.
  • Parents can track their child’s progress.
  • Student’s work is automatically graded.
  • Student can work independently.
  • Most users feel the cost is less expensive compared to similar programs.
  • SOS is reusable.
  • Children enjoy the games.


What people don’t like-

  • SOS is not a creative curriculum. There is less hands-on learning.
  • May not work well for a large family unless there is access to more than one computer.
  • Student should first know how to type. This might be tricky for younger students.
  • Sometimes correct answers are marked wrong because of how they are written by the student.
  • The graphics are not the best.
  • The CD's can get scratched.
  • Some children might find SOS boring and repetitive.


User tips-

  • Can buy directly from the publisher’s website, but also from Christianbook.com
  • SOS requires initial set up and installation.
  • Consider buying last year's version (check EBay) which will be the same program at a lower cost to you. Just make sure the installation disk is included.  
  • SOS does not support every system. Make sure you check system requirements before you buy.


Try instead-

Alpha Omega also offers an online program called, Monarch, which has a subscription fee, but requires no set up. https://www.aop.com/curriculum/shop-monarch

There are free online all-in-one curriculums such as Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool http://allinonehomeschool.com/ and Discovery K12 http://discoveryk12.com/dk12/

Liahona Academy offers LDS distance learning via the computer (live-streaming or video classes). https://www.liahonaeducation.com/


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Publisher/Website-  Alpha Omega Publications/ https://www.aop.com/Curriculum/Switched-On-Schoolhouse

Summary from company“Switched-On Schoolhouse is a comprehensive, Christian homeschool curriculum that offers computer-based learning for grades 3-12. With animation, video clips, and other fascinating multimedia, Switched-On Schoolhouse is the perfect Christian homeschool curriculum for today's generation. With this flexible, best-selling curriculum, you can customize student learning to fit individual educational needs.”