LIFE School

What people like-

  • LDS-based all-in-one curriculum (does not cover math).
  • Designed for the whole family to learn together.
  • Covers history in chronological order, starting with the pre-existence.
  • Works well for every learning style.
  • Scripture based.


What people don’t like-

  • It’s expensive. (See website for pricing).
  • Each student needs their own manual (these are consumable and may not be photocopied).


User tips-


Try instead-

If you want to incorporate the scriptures into your homeschool try, Discover the Scriptures. (This would be a lot less expensive!)


If you like LDS curriculum try, Latter-day Learning.


Liahona Academy offers a unique distance education for ages 7-12 and 8th-12th grades.



Patti Landes Adams; Elaine A. Cannon; Anne Adams/ 

Summary from company-

“LIFE School Curriculum is an LDS gospel based homeschool program that is built on the foundation of the scriptures, giving the child a sense of who he is and setting him on the path of discovering his divine mission.

The curriculum was written and developed by homeschool parents and professional educators. It is presented in a four year chronological rotation, integrating all areas of study to create a clear picture of the history of our world.”

What Friends are Saying About LIFE School...

Lifeschool now has a Toddler/PreK/Kindergarten program built into the general parent manual. It's called Search, Ponder, and Play. All lessons are briefly adapted for younger children, with activities to keep their interest and help them understand the concepts at their level. It also includes reading and math for this age - it's called Sensory Immersion. If you have just younger children, you don't need student manuals, only the parent manual. 
You can try it free: 


There are 160 lessons. I haven't looked at everything with the video access yet. I love the parent manual. Not so sure how I feel about the student manuals. -Rachel