Math Mammoth

What people like-

  • Inexpensive, affordable math curriculum.
  • Most books are available in print, CD, or as a PDF download.
  • The “worktext” makes it easy for both parent and student because all parts of the lesson are on one page.
  • Designed to be nearly “self-teaching” so that there is only minimal parental guidance needed.
  • The answer-key is included in each workbook.
  • Can use as a core math curriculum or to supplement.


What people don’t like-

  • This is not a hands-on approach, although you can easily add your own manipulatives.
  • The worksheets provide small spaces to write in, which may not work well for some children.
  • Common Core aligned.
  • Can be costly to self-print in full-color.


User tips-

  • There are freebies on the website, including sample pages to try out before you buy.
  • Can also be purchased through other websites such as Rainbow Resource, Amazon and


Try instead-

For a more hands-on math curriculum, try Horizons.  

For a similar mastery-based curriculum, compare to Singapore Math


Author/Publisher/Website- Maria Miller/

Summary from company- “Math Mammoth offers affordable, yet quality math worktexts and workbooks, available as both downloads and printed books. Math Mammoth books concentrate on conceptual understandingand emphasize mental math. The directions in the worktexts are written directly to the student, which makes them often self-teaching. Thus, the books require very little preparation from the teacher — perfect for busy teachers and homeschooling parents!”

What Friends Are Saying About Math Mammoth...

We love Math Mammoth too. They don't have a Kindy curriculum. But if your child can count to 100 and write their numbers, they can start on the first grade book (though I still do a lot of scribing here and there at first). -Jennifer

For my first grader I use Math Mammoth. 1) its inexpensive and you purchase it as a pdf download. 2) for my kiddo I didn't see her being ready for a computer based program till she's in 2nd anyhow. -Amy

I second Math Mammoth. I'm not a fan of the new way but my second daughter isn't as fond of the old way so we combine Saxon and Math Mammoth. PLUS, they have excellent customer service! I bought the first grade for my son and then ended up getting the whole shebang and they refunded me for my first purchase! -Courtney